



2018 is there. And in these moments we always witness an act of renewal. It is an occasion when we necessarily stop to start over. Restart. Do different. Take resolutions. And in that sense we ask ourselves - what will be 2018? And we immediately respond - it will be what we make of it. Let's do great then.

As in 2017, in 2018 we renew our vows that we have a more pleasant horizon. The reduction of Custo Brasil and its strong impacts on the production of capital goods is one of the Herculean missions to which we propose, as a way to improve our competitiveness.

Support for ongoing reforms and the encouragement of re-industrialization are among our top priorities, as well as the encouragement of public investment, which is necessary to stimulate private investment, which is essential for resumption of growth and job creation.

And we concluded 2017 animated because after three years of recession we received indicators, this month of December, referring to the closing of October, animators. The month of October showed stability in sales and an effective growth in the utilization of installed capacity that reached around 75%, a growth of 0.6% in relation to September 2017 and approx.13% higher than the month of October of 2016, which was also about 65%.

Exports also grew around 10% in relation to September and approximately 50% in relation to the same period of the previous year. This not only encourages us, but also assumes a direction in the economic recovery. We have to make possible the re-industrialization and modernization of the Brazilian industrial park aged by years of low investment. To this end, we will continue to pursue a policy that allows the mechanical capital goods industry to compete on an equal footing with its international competitors, under isonomic conditions. We will work towards the construction of a macroeconomic environment favorable to productive investments with competitive exchange, low and stable inflation and market interest similar to those of our international competitors, as well as to review the legislation in order to eliminate the import bias and establish isonomy , either in the tax treatment or in its financial effects, among the capital goods produced in the country.

In addition, we need to maintain a competitive exchange rate, with low volatility and a minimum of predictability.

We believe that with all this planning 2018 despite being an election year and with this, with many interruptions in the workflow, it should bring better conditions for our entire industry.

As is customary on these occasions COMING 2018.


Eti Galvani Uliano CEO of Unesa Máquinas Associate ABIMAQ / SINDIMAQ
